DC Wheeler Music
Jesus Linens
W/m dennis wheeler© 2005
For Phyllis Davis from ‘Moe’
Washed in the blood of love
Linens from Jesus
Left in the tomb to prove
Love never dies.
¶A Life cut short yet lived so full
touched more lives than long ones do
Linens left to those in need of hope…
When given through the heart filled eye,
The spirit of love never dies
The linens left to show
That love never goes……
Washed in the blood of love
Linen from Phyllis,
Linens from memories
Of A love that lives on…
¶A Life cut short yet lived so full
touched more lives than long ones do
Linens left to those in need of hope…
When given through the heart filled eye,
The spirit of love never dies
The linens left to show
True love never goes……
Washed in the blood of love
Memories of Phyllis
Linens she gave to those
From a love that lives on .
¶A Life cut short yet lived so full
touched more lives than long ones do
Linens left to those in need of hope…
When given through the heart filled eye,
The spirit of love never dies
The linens left to show
True love never goes……
The linens left to show
True love never goes……
Jesus Linens
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True Love never dies.
This song is a very simple piece, written for a lady whose friend's life was cut short in the crossfire of a gang altercation on her way to deliver new and used linens she had collected for the poor of the very community the gang had come from.
Phyllis Davis was a caring young lady and the linen drives she held for the Oak Ridge Neighborhood Services. A subsidized housing complex in Des Moines, Iowa were just getting started. Her friend was ‘Moe’, Maureen Kauzlarich of Carlisle, Iowa, her old college roommate.
It was just after Easter when I had stopped in for coffee and a rest at Moe’s - Moe Joe Coffee Shop on 1st Street in Carlisle, Iowa. Moe was in the midst of her 3rd commemorative linen drive. When she found out that I had occasion to write music she asked if I could pen a song about her friend and she showed me an article about Phyllis that had run in the Saturday paper. 'Moe' equated the linens that Jesus left behind in the tomb with those linens that Phyllis had collected for the poor of Des Moines' poorest community.
I'd never thought much about Jesus’ linens until just them. I personally had no problems with the resurrection, but even if I did, why would someone steal a body and leave the linen they were wrapped in.
To this day, the Shroud of Turin remains as a gift to the faithful of a life given on behalf of more people that He did not know than those that He did.
"Moe's" desire to carry on the work of her friend exists much like the disciples work in carrying forth the message of Jesus, not just to Love One Another, but proof that "true love never dies". It was the reflection in Moe's love for Phyllis's memory that inspired me to write the song. True love, from the heart, never dies, but lives on through those that have been touched and blessed by it. In the same way that the disciples treasured and protected the shroud (Jesus' Linens) so too is 'Moe' carrying on the work and memory of a special lady whose life may have been cut short, but whose legacy lives on through the sharing of linens with the poor of her community.
The love of friendship, the love borne out of caring for another. This is the kingdom of which Jesus spoke of, not out there beyond this life, but here on Earth as it is in Heaven.
If you are moved by the song and wish to donate linens or send a donation from which linens may be purchased on behalf of Phyllis Davis, donations can be sent to 'The Phyllis Davis Linen Memorial Fund', in care of St. Vincent de Paul Charities office 1426 Sixth Ave., Des Moines, Iowa 50314-2801.
In this small way you can help spread the message that true love never dies, and the kingdom on earth is more than a dream, it is the promise of GOD.